Wednesday, June 14, 2006

the sun shines bright on my old kentucky home

Greetings from Lexington, KY. I dig this town. I do. I can't say I have any desire to live here, really, but it's really charming and I always enjoy visiting. I'm in town rehearsing with Daniel Bailey for Icthus. I can't imagine that anyone who would read this is going, but we're playing on Thursday and Redflecks are on Sat. If such a scenario should happen. Aaaanyway. I drove up yesterday afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed the drive. I listened to a sermon I missed at CCEN that Kevin preached in Craig's absence. I had downloaded quite a few new podcasts for the trip including Garrison Keilor's "Writer's Almanac" which was excellent. Before I left, a friend gave me Madonna's "immaculate Collection". That got me through quite a ways let me say. If she wasn't Madonna, would anyone let her sing? I'm just sayin. the whole time i thought... "her voice is dreadful... I LOVE THIS SONG!" Sometimes you just can't stop the rock, ya know?

Oh weird. I'm at this coffee shop drinking some really great tea (while everyone else is at work :) ) and Bob Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone" just came on. They've had some excellent music this morning (David Mead, Bob, etc.) but this selection is weirding me out a small amount b/c it's my ring on my phone. On some level, I'm ashamed that I've made Bob Dylan into a ring on my phone, but on another level I love that man and am happy every time my phone rings. So, it's a toss up, ya know?

For those of you keeping score, you will notice a new addition to the "currently reading" section. That's 3 books down in... i dunno. but I'm excited. I just finished Anne Lamott's "Traveling Mercies". It was lovely. She put words to many things I cannot. I will say that I loved the first half of the book much more, though. I have favorites and I have chosen them. Today I started Wendell Berry's "Citizenship Papers". I've been wanting to read this for a long time. I haven't gotten too far in it. I can tell this one is going to take some headspace. I find myself reading paragraphs multiple times to make sure I understand and remember everything.

Sometimes when you're in towns you don't frequent too often and friends live there you see just as infrequently, it can be stressful. As much as I really want to see all my friends in Lexington, I'm beginning to feel the stress of trying to book everyone in. That's not what we're looking for here. I'm learning to say no... but i have a hell of a learning curve. Well, I'm almost done with my tea. Time for lunch and bookstore rummaging. Love to you all.