Monday, January 15, 2007

a wrinkle in mind.

I started getting sick last night. I laid down feeling achy and exhausted after a loooong day of running junk up from the basement to the attic all day. After not being able to sleep and starting to feel sicker, I got up and drank the rest of the NyQuil. Somewhere in my drugged waking/sleeping, I conjured up an idea for a new toy. In the dreamstate, I think I had just had them manufactured, but alas, this morning they are only existant in my imagination. I had created little army men... you know... for kids. Only, instead of army men, they were famous figures of non-violence. We placed them carefully in lines, facing each other. Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mother Theresa stood face to face with and Rosa Parks. Needless to say, nothing much happened. And I enjoyed this for hours.

I picked up Derek from the airport yesterday, fresh in from speaking and playing at the Veritas Forum. Upon his suggestion, I went searching today for the talks from the event. Apparently not posted yet, I began digging through the archives and found a couple of talks from Madeleine L'engle.

I'm listening now to her writer's workshop on searching for truth through fantasy. She has done (and continues to do) such an amazing job of letting truth spread wide into the vastness it must have to exist. She understands, perhaps, the same idea C.S. Lewis had when he wrote of the gods in "Until We Have Faces", "whatever can be said clearly about them cannont be said truly".

Some of the more resonant quotes thus far:

"Nothing happens in isolation. Everything effects everything else. You can never say, "It's my own business". It's the business of the entire cosmos. The scientists have discovered that nothing can be said objectively, because to look at something is to change it and be changed by it." And so it is. With science and with the difficult task of loving one another.

"When you write, don't think. Write."

And in honor of Martin Luther King day... one last quote from Dr. King.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

1 comment:

revolutionrevolution said...

please don't think I am a stalker or anything, just persistant. My name is Joshua Coffman and I added you as a friend and sent you a message on myspace and thought I would check out your blog. I post some songs and some commentary on said lyrical travesties on my own blog...

...if you are in to that whole checking out other people's blogs thing. I would definitely play with some like Leo Tolstoy, Jacques Ellul, and Woody Guthrie figures with the Civil Rights Sit-In play set with working water hose (cops with batons and attack dogs not included) with my ultra rare teaching position Jesus figure guiding them. It would be raw.