Saturday, May 05, 2007

i've been duped.

two nights ago, i made a late night trip to Kroger for some essentials: Dog food, organic milk and some TP. Now, in terms of my toilet paper, i don't have a strong allegiance, and typically get what's on sale. I saw that Quilted Northern was on sale this day. My mind hearkened back to their commercials depicting charming cartoon grandmother-types quilting each square by hand. This sounded delightful to me in the Kroger isle at 1am. So, I fell for it. I got the Quilted Northern home only to find it was neither soft, nor charming. Let me tell you, friends...nothing about it felt quilted...unless people quilt burlap sacks to make toilet paper. Don't be fooled, kids. And, Quilted Northern, I'm on to your Tom Foolery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't let this happen again. I'm warning you.