Monday, July 09, 2007


Went to church last night. Played guitar and got to finally try out Butterfly's Gretsch Jr. I've had for a while. It's just so gorgeous.

Many times after church I get this feeling like it's time to hang out. Go eat with someone, watch a movie, order a pizza...generally anything involving people. Last night, I got to the end of my mental list of people to call to hang out and realized tonight may have to derrivate from the normal Sunday evening. Then, I remembered my book patiently awaiting my return home. So, I grabbed a snack from the pantry, got into my pjs, grabbed my book and hopped in bed.... at 9:00pm. It was amazing. I saw the light at the end of the reading tunnel. I saw I only had about 60 pages left in "The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter" and I decided to finish it. around 11:00pm, it finally happened. Man, I LOVE that feeling. The feeling was amplified a bit b/c a) it was a lengthy book and b) it had been on my "to read" list for many moons, i just hadn't gotten around to it. So exciting. Now, comes the always dangerous choice of the next book. It's like a relationship...choose poorly and you might be stuck there for a little while. choose wisely, and oh the adventures you have in store, young reader. ...i just chuckled out loud a bit just then. Ok. off to look for a job....and a book.

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