Monday, August 06, 2007

Kiss with busted lips

I wonder if anyone has ever tried to FTP someone's house on halloween instead of the traditional TP. seems like it would be a cleaner way to stick it to "Old Man Johnston". just a thought.

Yesterday was a busy day and I definately feel like I didn't get my sabbath rest. hopefully I'll get one in tomorrow. Got the mix for Judd & Maggie's new record and I"m really liking it. It's such a fun record. I'm glad to see people making music like this...It doesn't seem to be happening as much as it should these days.

We uploaded Cheyenne's album art today. We finished it just 4 days after he came to me with the project. I still can' believe we finished it on time. Here are a few images of the cover and exteriior panel.

It's an overly-busy week. Trying to hang on. Too crazy to make birthday plans yet, but i'll keep you posted.

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