Tuesday, August 22, 2006

smile like you mean it.

i've noticed something about myself lately. this can often be an unsettling thing...like realizing your fly's unzipped. you wonder how long it's been like that and why no one has told you before. So, anyway, I've noticed lately this distance i keep with people i care about. I feel like I'm not usually quick to say I care about them or I miss them or whatever the case may be. I remember Judy was always good at that. I even remember at her funeral being overwhelmed with the desire to carry on these characteristics I so loved in her. But, I'm so bad at it. I could say it comes with age, but I think that's probably a cop-out. I think there's a lot of fear tied to it. I've always felt it with things like that. No one wants to be that guy. well, at least part of me is always scared that i am, i think. It's so good for me to be around people who say those things when they mean them. just hearing them gives me courage to want to do the same, and reminds me that life's too short not to.

love deep.
love well.

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