Tuesday, April 18, 2006

this is no place for a house.

So, I after rehearsal and a quick waffle house stop, LT and I watched "Proof". I thought it was excellent. Thumbs up. But that's a different story. So, I begin driving home at circa 2:15am, after just watching a movie involving questioning one's grip on reality. As I fly down Woodmont, I suddenly crest the hill and see a two story home spanning both lanes of the road. For a moment, I cannot decide if I'm crazy crazy or just crazy. I then see the wheels beneath and the truck behind and men with flashlights. One man is sitting on the roof, lifting the stoplights so that the roof can pass under them. After waiting a considerable amount of time, i decide to try and find my way around. This is probably the 5th time this has happened to me. Is this really that common? It's just weird and can freak the crap out of you at 2:30 in the morning. I'm just sayin.

1 comment:

char said...

um, jordan. you forgot the part where i showed you my very exciting wishlist.